Note: Moving forward, this committee will meet three times per year. The next meeting is scheduled for May 31, 2022, followed by a meeting in September.
Chair: Vacant position
Members: Samantha Adams | Bob Gelfand | Noel Gould | Roz Roberts | Isiah Cade | June Smith | Ziggy Mrkich | Brenda Gonzalez | Arlene Amezcua | Mary Lou Fentis | Barbara St. John | Bob Milling | Bob Silence
Purpose: Introducing the Cultural Arts Committee of Coastal San Pedro NC. Our mission is to engage, support, and strengthen the diverse cultures of our community through all forms of art.
Our meetings are held on the last Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 7:30 pm via Zoom. We look forward to having community involvement and keeping cultural arts in San Pedro progressing. That is a goal that can only be achieved with the participation of all community members, so please come and let your voice be heard.
If you would like to see some changes made in our community, please talk to us as we are here to listen. We want to uplift all cultures by appreciating and supporting their art.
Les presento el comité cultural de artes de la zona coastal de San Pedro. Nuestra mission es comprometernos, apoyar y fortalecer las diferentes culturas de nuestra comunidad a travez del Arte.
Nuestras juntas son los ultimo martes de cada mes de 6:30 a 7:30 de la Noche por Zoom. Esperamos ver más miembros de la comunidad participar para juntos continuar con el objective de mantener el Arte en progreso. Esta meta solo puede sera lograda con su participation. Por tal manera, le invitamos a que nos contacte para escucharle sus ideas en la comunidad. Una manera de resaltar nuestras cultural es a travez de las muestras de Arte, cualquier typo de artesanía que represente quienes somos es imporrtante para el fortalezimiento de nuestra cultura. Este movimiento no es solo para artistas es para todos los que desean representer su cultura.